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Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions as well as a video about GL Zürich.
What is GL Zürich?
Founded in 1948, GL Zürich is a Christian spiritual community and the publisher of the Christian spiritual teachings given mediumistically through Beatrice Brunner. People from all ages and walks of life attend GL Zürich’s services. GL Zürich is not a sect, but an association free of coercion – the free will of each individual is respected as the highest good. The community does not deter anyone from their traditional church, because it considers every sincere belief in God as a step on the path to God. It knows no denominational barriers and is composed of Christians from various backgrounds seeking spiritual enrichment and insight.

About us

GL Zürich was founded in 1948 and is one of the oldest Christian spiritual communities in the German-speaking world. It concerns itself with questions of existence and knowledge from the world beyond.