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Charitable Activities of GL Zürich
“We urge you to take care of the poorest. For they are your brothers and sisters.”
Lene, 1967
The charitable association Hilfswerk GL Zürich collects money specifically for local projects in the poorest regions of the world – on the one hand to provide emergency aid, and on the other to improve the living conditions of those affected in the long term.

Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospitals, Cambodia
In 1992, the Swiss pediatrician Dr. Beat Richner (1947-2018) opened the first “Kantha Bopha” pediatric clinic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which had been devastated by civil war.

Kiran Village, India
Kiran Village in the northern Indian metropolis of Varanasi is a center of excellence that provides medical care and education for children and youth with physical, learning, or multiple disabilities.

Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Haiti
Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in the Artibonite Valley in the heart of Haiti is much more than a hospital. It also supports the poor population with various development projects.

Médecins Sans Frontières, Lebanon
Since the beginning of the armed conflict in Syria in 2011, more than 6 million people have been displaced from their homes and need humanitarian aid.

Médecins Sans Frontières, Niger
Niger is one of the least developed countries in the world. The health system is unable to meet the needs of the population, and many children suffer from malnutrition.

Selam, Ethiopia
Selam Children’s Village offers orphaned children a home and education from kindergarten to high school, as well as apprenticeships in a range of professions. It also supports destitute families.

Lotti Latrous, Ivory Coast
Founded by Lotti Latrous, the project “Centre l’Espoir” (Center of Hope) treats and supports sick and dying adults and children in one of the poorest regions of the world, and works to improve local conditions.

Help for Children in Need, Moldova
The Swiss charity “Help for Children in Need” is based in Moldova and has been supporting Ukrainian families that have fled to Moldova since the start of conflict in Ukraine.