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The spiritual lectures given by the world beyond through the medium Beatrice Brunner cover a wide variety of subjects and address life’s key questions. These lectures are published in the journal The Spiritual World. Here you can find a selection of issues organized according to their topic. Simply choose an area of interest and read the issues online.
Discover the archive of online issues of The Spiritual World here.
![Life after Death](/images/vortragsthemen/leben-nach-dem-tod-cropped.jpg)
Life after Death
- Does life continue in a spiritual world?
- The soul’s immortality – the search for evidence
![Citizens of Two Worlds](/images/vortragsthemen/woher-wohin-cropped.jpg)
Citizens of Two Worlds
- The soul has a share in eternity
- Human beings live in a foreign land, far from their spiritual home
![Preparation for a New Earthly Life](/images/vortragsthemen/erdenleben_cropped.jpg)
Preparation for a New Earthly Life
- Careful training and instruction by spirits of God
- A soul reports on her hopes and concerns before her reincarnation
![World of Gnomes, Elves, and Fairies](/images/vortragsthemen/welt-der-gnomen-elfen-und-feen-croppped.jpg)
World of Gnomes, Elves, and Fairies
- The life and work of the little spirit folk
- Their activities in nature, among human beings and animals
![Guardian Angels – The Spiritual Companions of Human Beings](/images/vortragsthemen/schutzengel2_cropped.jpg)
Guardian Angels – The Spiritual Companions of Human Beings
- The work of guardian spirits
- How to enter into a close friendship with your guardian spirit
- In reincarnation lies the wisdom of God
- Why is it necessary for human beings to be reincarnated?
- Coming closer to God through good deeds and a righteous life
- How human beings are strengthened in faith
![Friendship with an Angel](/images/vortragsthemen/freundschaft-mit-einem-engel-cropped.jpg)
Friendship with an Angel
- What deep love for a higher spirit can achieve
- How does one gain a friend from the heights of heaven?
- Meditation guidance
- Exercises to free oneself from earthly matter
- Spiritual support in every life situation through meditation
- How prayers are answered
- The effect of prayers for the deceased
- The Our Father – Christianity’s most important prayer
![The Lord’s Prayer](/images/vortragsthemen/bibel-cropped.jpg)
The Lord’s Prayer
- A guided meditation on Christianity’s most beautiful prayer
- The Our Father – A dedication to the Lord
![Meditations on Christ](/images/wissen-severin/shutterstock_2430786147.jpg)
Meditations on Christ
- The Redeemer of humankind
- The King of God’s spirit world
- Scenes from the life of Jesus
![Christianity’s Lost Knowledge](/images/vortragsthemen/vaterunser-cropped.jpg)
Christianity’s Lost Knowledge
- Introduction to Christian spirituality
- On the origin of heavenly creation and the fall of the angels
- God’s plan of salvation and redemption
![History of Christianity](/images/vortragsthemen/geschichte-des-christentums-cropped.jpg)
History of Christianity
- The background and development of Christianity
- The true church of Christ
- Insights into early Christianity
![Christ, the Son of God](/images/vortragsthemen/jesus-cropped.jpg)
Christ, the Son of God
- “I am the way, the truth, and the life”
- Why did the Son of God have to take on human incarnation?
![Jesus’ Younger Years](/images/vortragsthemen/jesu-jugend-cropped.jpg)
Jesus’ Younger Years
- Insights into Jesus’ childhood and family life
- From Jesus’ life between childhood and adulthood
- The twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple
![Space and Time](/images/vortragsthemen/galaxie-cropped.jpg)
Space and Time
- How spirit beings rapidly overcome great distances
- Pathways of eternity
- Time in the world beyond
![Beginnings of Creation](/images/vortragsthemen/odlehre-cropped1.jpg)
Beginnings of Creation
- The beginning and unfolding of spiritual creation
- The earthly, material world is a condensation of spirit
![Earthly Creation and the Work of Odic Currents](/images/vortragsthemen/odstroeme_cropped.jpg)
Earthly Creation and the Work of Odic Currents
- The formation and ensoulment of the earth
- How the first human couple was brought into being
- Diversity and nature of odic currents
- What happens to a cherished pet after its death?
- Animals in the world beyond
- Spiritual animals as guardians of human beings
- The responsible use of one’s own energies
- Odic currents in nature that human beings can use for their health
- How angels work to physically strengthen human beings
- Accidental death of a young family man - support from the world beyond
- Love and connection beyond death
- Temporary separation
- Possible causes of melancholy and paths of healing
- Suicide after losing courage and joy in life
- When old feelings of guilt plague the soul
![Fate and Karma](/images/vortragsthemen/karma_cropped.jpg)
Fate and Karma
- The distinction between fates that are God willed and those that are not
- The fates of individuals, families, and nations
- A plan is mapped out for every human being