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Issues of the journal The Spiritual World can be read online, free of charge.
Cover of the Journal The Spiritual World, Issue 3/2016
The Spiritual World 3/2016

The Empty Grave – What Happened after Jesus’ Death?
In order to better understand all the events in connection with Christ’s resurrection and ascension, it is essential to have basic knowledge of the plan of salvation and redemption as well as of the influence of odic forces. A pious returnee had this very experience; he knew little about the spiritual world and its laws and had many erroneous ideas. Thanks to his commendable life he was shown the realm of God, and this brought him into a closer relationship to Christ, the King, and allowed him to continue in his service.

Christ’s Battle in Hell and His Triumphal Reception in Heaven
After his death on the cross, Christ, together with Michael’s legions, surged into the realm of the dead and defeated his adversary with spiritual weapons. When word was received that their King was victorious and had fulfilled his task, the jubilation of the spiritual world was overwhelming and beyond words. The opulence and splendor of his reception back into heaven is indescribable: of all that exists in the spiritual world, the most exquisite and beautiful was brought forth.

Issue 3/2016
E-Journal, 16 pages (PDF)