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Jesus – The Redeemer of Mankind
Christ, the Son of God, came into this world with a very specific mission. The Father gave him the task of redeeming mankind from spiritual death and opening the way back to the Father’s house. Christ had to make great sacrifices and to endure agony and torment in order to fulfil this task. After all, the base spiritual world did everything it could to bring about his downfall. They tried to discourage him and to dissuade him from his faith in God and in his mission. Yet, despite all the suffering, Christ remained steadfast and emerged victorious over Lucifer.
There Was No Return to Heaven Prior to Christ’s Redemption
At the time of Christ’s teaching ministry, the scribes and Pharisees sent out people who were to ask trick questions in order to destabilize Christ. However, Jesus was quick-witted and gave them such clever answers that they returned to their principals empty-handed. In addition to his replies he also pointed toward his deed of redemption.
Issue 2/2018
E-Journal, 17 pages (PDF)