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Issues of the journal The Spiritual World can be read online, free of charge.
Cover of the Journal The Spiritual World, Issue 6/2024 on the Theme of Meditations on Christ
The Spiritual World 6/2024
Meditations on Christ

How can we make our connection to Christ more intimate? How can we draw closer to him, perhaps even encounter him in spirit – him, the King and Redeemer, to whom everyone owes their existence and who made it possible for us all to return to the Father and our former spiritual home? The meditations in this issue of The Spiritual World provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with Christ. In one meditation, spirit-teacher Lene sheds light on various events from Christ’s earthly life and makes us aware of all that the King of the spirit world took upon himself for the salvation of humankind. In another meditation, Lene guides us into a glorious heavenly temple, magnificently decorated with images and mosaics. Every image has a special significance, each a profound and meaningful reference to Christ and his work of redemption. In other meditations in this issue, Lene shows how Christ is concerned with the ascent of human beings at all times, as indeed with the development of all beings, and she explains how it is possible to experience him up close in spirit.

Issue 6/2024
E-Journal, 19 pages (PDF)